[AMIE is Approved by AICTE But ] What is AMIE Recognition Issue and its Present Status with MHRD and AICTE?

AMIE Recognition Current Status in respect of WP(C) No. 3790/2013 in the matter of Recognition of Sections A & B examinations of IEI by MHRD. The above Writ Petition, filed by IEI in Hon’ble Delhi High Court on 27 May 2013, came up for hearing on 11 Jan 2021 through video conferencing. The matter will be listed again on 16.02.2021 along with other professional societies.

Learned Counsel appearing for the Institution of Engineers (India) submits that writ petition filed by the IEI is distinct from the other writ petitions filed by the other professional
societies. The matter will be considered on the next date of hearing i.e. on 16.02.2021.
AMIE Recognition Current Status

AMIE Recognition Current Status

Present Status of AMIE Court case status is it is pending in Delhi High Court (updated on 21 Jun 2020). Presently AMIE Recognition Issue Case is pending in Delhi High Court. You can check the current status of the case (Court Case No. WP(C)-3790 – 2013  from the in the following link). Open the Delhi High Court Link http://delhihighcourt.nic.in/case.asp

AMIE IS APPROVED BY AICTE NOW… GOOD NEWS. (Only If you are enrolled before 31 May 2013)

Hi friends finally AICTE has given a public notice regarding recognition. AICTE Notice clearly says that courses conducted by IEI and other similar institutes are fully valid and recognized by AICTE for all-purpose including employment and further studies. However, students who are enrolled on or before 31 May 2013 are presently are only eligible as AICTE approved Engineering Graduate.

Students who are enrolled before 31 May 2013 and not yet completed AMIE or having pending subjects, when they complete AMIE in the future also are eligible and valid. But students who are joined/ enrolled after 31 May 2013 are to wait and watch about the future outcome.

[AMIE is Approved by AICTE But ] What is AMIE Recognition Issue and its Present Status with MHRD and AICTE? 1

AMIE Recognition Issue Latest Update News on 10 Apr 2017

AMIE Recognition Issue. As you all of you know that AICTE has formed a committee. This Committee will look into the recognition issue of Institutes like AMIE, The Institution of Engineers (India). Now AICTE on 10 Apr 2017 published a Notice on their website. AICTE asked Institutes like AMIE, The Institution of Engineers (India) to submit complete data regarding the Education Process followed at IEI. IEI and all other institutes going through recognition issue have to submit the following data in respect their Institutes. AICTE has given 30 days’ time to submit the data.

Check AICTE Public Notice here:-

AMIE Recognition Issue latest status

Check the Data Asked by AICTE from IEI here:-

AMIE Recognition Issue latest status

Read Complete Issue of AMIE Recognition with MHRD, AICTE:-

AMIE Recognition Issue is a burning topic now among AMIE Students. Complete events of AMIE Recognition are clearly explained in the following paragraphs with important MHRD orders. Here is the present status of the AMIE Recognition Issue and its latest status as of now. Also, I have added uploaded images of relevant MHRD Orders.

History of AMIE Recognition with MHRD:-

1. MHRD recognized AMIE until now, as there was no regulator in place to do this job. Check the Recognition in www.ieindia.org. Check the following Images of the recognition. (I have received this same copy from IEI along with the final AMIE Graduation Equivalent Certificate). (Probably IEI is sending with AMIE certificate so that AMIE Holders can show it to employers)

AMIE Recognition IssueAMIE Recognition latest news

2. MHRD also released a clarification notification clarifying the above notification dated 16 Jan 2006. It states that AMIE is valid for the purpose of employment in central government. Check Image below:-

AMIE Recognition present status

3. These two MHRD Notifications are the lifeline for AMIE (these notifications prove AMIE has MHRD Recognition. In courts these two are the valid documents that can prove about AMIE Recognition with MHRD).

4. MHRD slowly withdrew itself and formed separate regulatory body AICTE to recognize and monitor technical education. But AICTE formed its own regulations and rules for technical education and did not approve any technical education in distance/nonformal mode.
5. However, MHRD already approved AMIE/IETE/IME courses in distance/nonformal mode so AICTE didn’t interfere with it.

How the AMIE Recognition was withdrawn?

6. MHRD started the process of bringing all technical education under roof (under AICTE). It started by withdrawing recognition of courses like AMIE/IETE/IME etc.

MHRD also released warning notification about the withdrawal of recognition by notification dated 10 Jul 2012 (shown below). MHRD totally withdrawing itself from approving/recognizing technical education in distance mode and handed over to AICTE. It asked all such Institutions to align their courses as per NVEQF (a new skill-based vocational certification system in the flexible mode as per international trends) and apply for fresh approval of AICTE. It’s clearly mentioned in this MHRD order not to take any fresh admissions before getting fresh approval.

However, no action was taken by any of the Institutes AMIE/IETE/IME. Finally, MHRD released the Order about the withdrawal of recognition of all such types of courses.

7. It clarified that Students enrolled up to 31 May 2013 are eligible for employment as an AMIE Graduate. Check the MHRD Order Below:-Approximately one year before releasing the final notification regarding Nonrecognition of AMIE/IETE/IME etc,  MHRD has finally withdrawn recognition.

[AMIE is Approved by AICTE But ] What is AMIE Recognition Issue and its Present Status with MHRD and AICTE? 2

8. MHRD withdrawn recognition and now AICTE to handle it. First of all, there is a conflict to recognize engineering in nonregular mode, as AICTE doesn’t approve nonregular courses engineering.

9. AICTE wants to frame new rules for engineering in distance mode or they want the institute to align with NVEQF (a new skill-based vocational certification system in the flexible mode as per international trends).

AMIE Recognition Issue is pending in Delhi High Court

10. IEI filed a Writ petition in Delhi high court against MHRD notifications dated 10 Jul 2012 and 06 Dec 2012. Delhi High Court accepted the case of Institutes vs. UGC/AICTE and said that notifications issued by MHRD dated 10 Jul 2012 and 06 Dec 2012 will be subject to final outcome of the court case.

How to check the Present Status of AMIE Recognition Issue Case

11. Presently AMIE Recognition Issue in Delhi High court but MHRD says he is now no more involved in this type of education so UGC/AICTE will fight case against institutes like IEI, AESI, ICE. Case is pending in Delhi High Court and the next date of hearing is on 25 Apr 2017, so  You can check the current status of the case (Court Case No. WP(C)-3790 – 2013  from the in following link).

Step- 1: Open the Delhi High Court Link http://delhihighcourt.nic.in/case.asp

Step-2: Select Case Type as WP (C)-(CW), Case No. as 3790, Year as 2013 and click on the Display button.

AMIE recognition case status

Step-3: Click on the Orders & Judgement Button. (You can see the next date of hearing right side)

AMIE Recognition court case

 Step-4: Click on the Latest Order and the following status will be displayed.

AMIE Recognition latest news

The possible outcome of  the AMIE Recognition Issue Court Case

12. If AMIE/IETE/IME wins the court case, either MHRD will recognize these courses (as it is with the present syllabus) or the court will ask AICTE/UGC to grant approval for AMIE/IETE/IME (whatever the case may be).

13. If AMIE/IETE/IME loses the court case ( chances are very Less), as a result, these institutes will be asked to apply for fresh approval from AICTE/UGC. So IEI will apply for fresh approval by aligning AMIE Syllabus as per new AICTE guidelines. This is also a positive point about this. In either case, AMIE will get AICTE/UGC approval which will resolve problems of proving AMIE as equivalent to BE/ BTech.

14. In Conclusion of this topic finally, I want to say is AMIE is going to get AICTE Approval in Future.

Delhi High Court AMIE Recognition Issue Case updates and AMIE Recognition Latest News

AMIE Recognition Issue Case update on 11 May 16:-

AMIE/IETE/ICE/IME(I) court case came for hearing on 11 May 16. The judge directed UGC, AICTE, and MHRD to specifically submit their views regarding recognition of our courses and the next date of hearing fixed on 24 Oct 2016. In the meantime I can also send its representation to them (AICTE) for this purpose.)

AMIE Recognition Issue Case update on 24  Oct 16:-

AMIE/IETE/ICE/IME(I) court case status after 24 Oct 16. The case is pending in Delhi High Court. The next date of hearing is on 25 Apr 2017 hence wait for the day. However, you can check the status of the case anytime from the Delhi High Court website.

AMIE Recognition Issue Case Update on 10 Apr 2017:-

AMIE Recognition Issue. As you all of you know that AICTE has formed a committee. This Committee will look into the recognition issue of Institutes like AMIE (The Institution of Engineers (India)) Now AICTE on 10 Apr 2017 published a Notice in their website and AICTE asked Institutes like AMIE, The Institution of Engineers (India) to submit complete data regarding the Education Process followed at IEI. IEI and all other institutes going through recognition issues have to submit following data in respect to their Institutes. AICTE has given 30 days’ time to submit the data.

AMIE Recognition Issue Latest Update News on 25 Apr 2017:-

AMIE Recognition Issue Delhi High court case status update: Case came up before Judge in Hon’ble High Court of Delhi for completion of proceedings on 25 April 2017. The next date for completing the proceedings before the Judge is 25 July 2017.

Legal Position of our AMIE Recognition is as stated below:-

Some PSUs may not be asking for AMIE Graduates in some Job Advertisement. However, the Legal Position of our AMIE degree is as stated below:- As an extreme Step, you can go to court and win the case based on this legal position.

1. AMIE Degree of All Students enrolled before 31.05.2013 are fully eligible and equivalent to Engineering Graduate.

2. AMIE Degree of All Students enrolled after 31.05.2013 is equivalent to Engineering Graduate but depends on the outcome of the court case in Delhi High Court.

3. If AICTE approves AMIE, then everybody will be eligible and equivalent to Engineering Graduate.

Also Keep visiting this page for latest updates on this issue.

My name is Ravi Kumar and I am a Computer Science graduate from The Institution Of Engineers (India). I have been following the AMIE Recognition Issue from 2013 to date. It seems like I have done my best writing this article so, I request you to suggest any corrections in the above analysis/ post comments and your ideas here.

Thanks and Regards.

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  1. If you have doubts please ask in comments

  2. Naveen Malhotra March 7, 2017 at 2:40 pm

    I’ve heard MHRD and AICTE/UGC representatives don’t even turn up during the high court hearings. Is that true? Also, are the professional societies pursuing this court case seriously or is it more like formality going on?

    The ground reality is that this particular court case has been dragging for 3-4 years now and it may drag further for few years, the way all the parties are acting casually.

    Your page shows a rosy picture in the end. The hard fact is that many PSUs have already stopped recruiting AMIE and other society graduates.

  3. sir,
    i have enrolled Dec 2010 section A, (AMIE) due to personal reasons i am not complte section A till date. i have re registration for Section A for Mar 2017. ii is my registration
    consider for before 31-05-2013. (MHRD order say before 31-05-2013 enrolled is valid).


  4. Sir,

    I am working central govt service last ten years.. due to next promotion required for engg Degree . i am apply for AMIE this year with office approval. it is good idea or any other option pls calrify.


    • nobody can stop u, if u had joined AMIE before 31 May 2013. You are Officially can drag them to court if they dont approve you.

  5. SANJAY SARATHI MISRA April 14, 2017 at 9:16 pm

    I joined the amie course in sept’ 2011. After clearing sec -a and sec-b, i got AMIE CERTIFICATE IN SEPT’ 2015.

    • HI Sanjay. Dont Worry, AMIE is going to Get AICTE Approval Shortly.
      As of now AMIE Recognition Issue is in Very Positive note.
      Otherwise also, All Students who are enrolled as IEI members before 31 May 2013
      are fully eligible as per MHRD Order.

      • SANJAY SARATHI MISRA April 15, 2017 at 11:34 am

        As per recent issue, the recognition of AMIE. I want to know the validity and usefulness of my degree:
        I have joined IEI on September 2011, after completing my diploma. After successful completion of sec a and sec B, I achieved AMIE in September 2015 and admitted as a Graduate of the IEI on OCT’ 2016 (As per Final Degree Certificate). I want to know Is my degree/amie certificate valid/useful for future scopes?(as I joined before 31.05.2013, the deadline given in MHRD notice).
        Please reply.
        Thanking You

  6. If IEI loose case , then it will have to apply for new approval to AICTE but in that case will amie holder after 2013 to approval date will be eligible?
    If not then what to do ?

    • Top 10 Best Product Reviews January 25, 2020 at 1:40 pm

      After 2013 Enrolled students are in dilemma now. No use on speculating. Just wait and watch.

    Top 10 Best Product Reviews